I am Sandra de Koning (1968, master’s degree in Mathematical Engineering). I started my professional career in industry, gaining experience in technical project management, IT line management and human resource management. I operate as a self-employed coach and trainer of professionals since 2008. My expertise focuses on personal effectivity, personal leadership and career management especially in high content driven contexts.
Some of my leisure activities are:


Off shore sailing

A capella singing
I like to puzzle and find the right ‘buttons’. I also like analyzing, creating structure and overview, providing insights and sharing experiences. And I like to integrate multiple perspectives, both scientific and intuitive, into what I define as inner wisdom: making universal principles practically applicable to personal situations and challenges, in order to find a unique answer or solution. In my work with young scientists from all over the world, I always describe my passion as “I like to puzzle on people”.
My tools: unrestrained curiosity, well-founded expertise and spot-on intuition.
My driving force: creating motion and personal growth from situations of stasis and chaos, making an impact on people’s lives with my work. Developing people and taking them further has been the red thread in my career.